Controversies surrounding the new marvel film Thor love and thunder.

Controversies surrounding the new marvel film Thor love and thunder.

The marvel film Thor love and thunder, has some controversies surrounding it and it left some fans very disappointed about the movie.

On July 7, the wait for a new Asgardian adventure is over as Taika Waititi’s Thor: Love and Thunder comes to Indian theaters. Compared to Thor’s first standalone movie in 2011, the character and his mythos in the MCU have gone through a lot of changes.

This time, Thor has lost his ability to wield his iconic hammer Mjolnir, as his former lover Jane Foster is the “worthy one” in this movie. This plot twist is a direct reference to the comics that started featuring Jane as the new Thor following Jason Aaron’s run on Thor Volume 4 (2014-2015).


Not to give much away to the ones still wanting to read the comics, Thor basically loses his ability to wield the hammer and even gives up his name, simply referring to himself as ‘Odinson’. By this time, he still harbours romantic feelings for Dr Jane Foster, who is unfortunately suffering from cancer.

People had their complains about the movie because Thor was no longer worthy of the hammer and the new god of thunder was a woman

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